A hard left jab to our nation

Now...it has come to this...
Just last Sunday afternoon, when I received the official results of the Manny Pacquiao/Erik Morales boxing match from the internet (yes, I’m a geek…I own a blog remember?) in about two hours prior to the match viewed here in Manila via Solar Sports, I felt cheated.
Cheated, scammed, duped…or any word that you could describe a person who regretted investing his life’s savings on pyramid networking scheme.
Obviously, my initial reaction was rage rather than sadness. Knowing the fact that Filipino boxers never win an international bout via judge’s decision…except when the odds are very obvious. In case it was “obvious”, they would just declare a draw (just like the Pacquiao/Marquez match). BAH!!!
I guess I started becoming very bitter as well. I started thinking that truth really does hurt…third world countries don’t deserve anything…even if they do. I also started believing that professional wrestling could be real and the Undertaker was really a zombie. Maybe I was just over-reacting…since I haven’t seen the match yet. And I guess many of you were aware, it was really a long delayed telecast…having more than 20 major sponsors, and a dozen minor ones including the 20-year old “Dragon kung umusok, pati ikaw tepok!” commercial and Rhea Rubbing alcohol (hello?! Referee Padilla and the fat ladies are long dead now).
When I finally had the chance to see the match itself (which took more than 2 hours because of advertisments), I realized that Morales truly deserves to win. I even had a higher score on Erik Morales than the judges. Not only because “overall appearance” is a category on my book, but the fact that the Mexican staged a better performance in the ring. The South paw stance in the later rounds, his patient but calculating attitude and excellent footwork paid off! He really did his homework and predicted most of Manny's moves.
It is true...Erik Morales is the better fighter. It's like Mike Tyson in his prime against Juan Ponce Enrile.
I know you hate me now. Sure, Manny was a fearless fighter, he went on till the end regardless the deep cut on his eye…but it wasn’t enough. Lebron James also scored 56 points last night but it still wasn’t enough to win the ball game.
I know, this event brought sadness throughout our nation, a big slap to the Filipinos. The Mexicans are spitting on us right now. Even the "dibidi dibidi" muslims are greatly affected by this "tragedy".
Yeah right.
As if our country could get even lower than were we are now.
Don’t blame Manny, he gave his best. Blame the government officials who watched the match at Las Vegas, they should be the one pummeled in the ring.
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